Our first release is now available!

October 29 2015

It's been a long road getting here but our first physical game is finally available for sale. The game is Breach & Clear, it is $24.99 and limited to 1,500 copies available for public sale worldwide.

Limited Run #1: Breach & Clear


Breach & Clear is now available to buy.

Since we first unveiled what we were doing to the public a few weeks ago, the response has been overwhelming! Fans of physical games have rallied together to let us know what games we should pursue for future releases and we are listening! Just a few days ago we announced that our third game would be Zeboyd Games' incredible Cosmic Star HeroineWe're currently talking to a variety of other developers as well but they all want to see some actionable statistics about our first release. Please help us build buzz about Breach & Clear and help this game sell out fast so we can get more developers on board.

If you're new to us, let me quickly explain what we're about. Limited Run Games exists to publish physical versions of games that were previously digital only on consoles and handhelds. It's as simple as that. We're gamers and collectors who want more physical games to exist. We're doing whatever we can to fight back against that long-prophesied all digital future!

Limited Run #2: Saturday Morning RPGLimited Run #?: Cosmic Star Heroine

Why did we pick Breach & Clear for our first release? Limited Run Games is a publishing offshoot of Mighty Rabbit Studios, the developer behind Breach & Clear. In order to feel confident in our own abilities to take a game from digital to physical we needed a guinea pig - since we had easy access to it and Breach & Clear fit the criteria for what we needed, it became our first release. If we could have picked a bigger or better game, we definitely would have but there wouldn't be many developers out there that would be willing to trust their baby to an unproven entity. We had to do something for ourselves first, and we still have to be successful at it to really move forward.

If you care about our cause of bringing more digital games into the physical realm, please consider picking up Breach & Clear. We need your help in making this a success!

Thanks for all your support so far! We appreciate it more than you can know.

Please follow us on Twitter (@LimitedRunGames) and Facebook for the latest news about our releases. If you want to interact with us directly, feel free to sign up for our forums.

- Josh and Douglas (The Limited Run Team)