Super Meat Boy Joins The Limited Run Collection!

January 10 2019


We're excited to announce that the acclaimed classic, Super Meat Boy, is getting a physical release through us on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita. All three platforms will be available to order from our site at a later date within the next few months (no date is set in stone yet).

For those of you who are impatient, our friends at  Best Buy already have the game in-hand for the Nintendo Switch! You can preorder a copy now at - orders will begin shipping February 8th! Best Buy's cover is exclusive to them. The version that will release through us will feature all-new cover art. As with all of our Best Buy releases, we'll sell their cover sheet on our site for $0.99 later on for those of you who want it.

It is worth noting that we'll have a Collector's Edition of the game on sale whenever we release the game through our site. The contents and details of the Collector's Edition have not been finalized, so we don't have any details to share yet - we just wanted to make sure you had all the information we could provide about this release.

You may be asking - why did you release this game to Best Buy first? That's an easy question to answer. Super Meat Boy was originally intended to get a regular retail release from another publisher in 2018. That didn't pan out, so we stepped in to try and make that happen. Our site Switch schedule is locked tight into Spring, so we had no wiggle room to get this out earlier on our site, but we figured Best Buy would be the perfect avenue to help get this game out closer to when it was supposed to be out!

This is a boon to any fans who currently have My Best Buy rewards certificates or Gamer's Club Unlocked, as you've got a chance to get the release earlier and cheaper than you would if we had waited to release it on our site in the Spring. Best Buy also won't charge for preorders upfront (something our e-commerce platform doesn't allow from a functional standpoint), so there's no risk in putting yourself down for a preorder.

Please note that we don't plan to make it a habit of releasing to Best Buy first, but that approach made the most sense in this situation.

We hope that you're as excited for this release as we are!